What’s Happening in My Region


It’s not about whether we can.
It’s about whether we will. 


Scroll through our photos to see what’s going on all over Lane County during Child Abuse Prevention Month!


East Lane

South Lane

West Lane

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In East Lane, we’re celebrating our first (extremely successful) year of Roots of Empathy and recruiting babies, caregivers, and instructors for Year 2, which starts this September. In March, we were the third region to launch the Welcome Baby Box program, making two deliveries in the first month alone. The whole team is thrilled to be moving into the implementation stage of our Prevention Plan. Next, we’re exploring expanding Safe Families for Children, a faith-based respite program for families in crisis, in East Lane.

Contact Coordinator Susan Hardy at susanh@90by30.com

The South Lane team, which launched 90by30’s first prevention plan strategy - the Welcome Baby Box program, in 2017 - continues to lead the way with the debut of its second strategy: Roots of Empathy. The ROE pilot launched last fall in four second-grade classrooms in the South Lane School District. The South Lane team plans to expand the pilot to include all second grade classrooms in the 2019-20 academic year.

Contact Coordinator Rachel Nordquist at racheln@90by30.com

The West Lane 90by30 Regional Leadership Team is made up of more than a dozen volunteers who live in Florence, Mapleton, Swisshome, Dunes City and Deadwood. In 2018, team members implemented the Welcome Baby Box and Roots of Empathy. In 2019, the team will implement two more projects: 40 Developmental Assets, which identifies 40 positive supports and strengths that young people need to succeed, and Safe Families for Children, which offers families short-term respite care while in a crisis situation.

Contact Coordinator Jeanne Shannon at jeannes@90by30.com




North Lane


Eugene CAPM Katie Ostrove Carlyn Wierda.jpeg

Pinwheels for prevention



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A Roots of Empathy Baby Shower

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Ice Cream Social

The Eugene regional leadership team faces the challenges - and advantages - of working where more than half the population of Lane County lives.  After an extensive asset mapping and prevention planning process, five strategies were chosen to be implemented in a three-phase process.  In 2019, the team is beginning the exciting work of implementation.  This means building partnerships with community members, creating work groups for each strategy, and a lot of fundraising!  With the large and diverse population of the region, issues of equity and inclusion are constantly a priority.  The Eugene team is small but energetic – and always looking at new ways to grow. 

Contact Co-Chairs Angela Albin and Caroline Madigan at EugeneRLT@90by30.com

The McKenzie Regional Leadership Team is made up of 12 volunteers who live in Walterville, Vida, Blue River, and McKenzie Bridge. The 2019 year has been an exciting year of implementing Roots of Empathy. We have also engaged the community with “Parent Cafés.” We still have work to do in bringing the Welcome Baby Box to our region. This year has brought challenges in moving more quickly toward our goals. But just like we’re ready to clear fallen trees from our highways, we’re ready to power through the next challenge!

Contact the McKenzie Coordinator at friends@90by30.com

North Lane is passionate about strengthening families in their rural region of Lane County. Through the Roots of Empathy program, Parent Café, and boosting community connections at their Farmer’s Market booth, North Lane believes “a connected child is a protected child” and works to provide opportunities for local families to thrive.

Contact Coordinator Terah Van Dusen at terahvd@90by30.com

The Springfield Regional Leadership Team of 90by30 is composed of community volunteers who live or work in Springfield and have a wide range of skills and experiences - everyone from educators to CASAs to business owners. The Springfield RLT has been working for the last few years on asset mapping in order to set the foundation for our current phase: Prevention Planning. Soon, the Springfield RLT will be selecting our prevention strategy and planning roll-out.

Contact Co-Chairs Caleb Fjarli and Kristin Rush at SpringfieldRLT@90by30.com