What Role Can Non-Profit and Civic Groups Play?
You’re an organized force for good in the community - and you multiply your impact by providing ways for people who want to help to get involved.
Non-profit and civic groups:
Thank you for the work you do every day to support children, youth, families, and the health of our community.
Our aim is to build on your decades-long work by promoting strategies members of the general public can see themselves doing.
The goal of your group or organization is to take action and make a concrete difference. In our conversations with over 12,000 Lane County residents, most people said they want to help reduce child abuse and neglect – but were not sure what to do. The strategies selected by the seven Lane County regions are all actionable by the general public. We ask you to promote this by sharing the K(no)w More website with your groups, friends, colleagues and neighbors.
Practical strategies selected by Lane County regions include Safe Families for Children, Roots of Empathy, Parent Cafés, the Welcome Baby Bundle, Foster Grandparents, and What Would You Do Lane County (coming soon).
For more about what is happening in each region, please see the “In My Region” page.
What Can You Do?
Promote K(no)w More in your newsletter or e-letter.
Here’s a sample you can use as a starting point to introduce K(no)w More to your audience.
Put up a K(no)w More poster in your office or agency.
Sponsor one of 90by30’s programs that resonates with your organization.
Hold a diaper drive for the Welcome Baby Bundle, offer your building as the venue for a Parent Café, connect a new parent you know with the Roots of Empathy program, or sponsor the annual 90by30 Conference that brings together people doing the important work of keeping children safe and healthy.
Connect with the families already involved in your organization.
Many of your members may be parents or grandparents. Host a picnic or potluck fo your organization and invite spouses, kids, grandkids, and friends.
Support youth as part of your mission.
The Rotary Club supports organizations that help children through its Great Rotary Duck Race, helps fund arts and education in schools, and provides youth scholarships. The Active 20-30 Club’s national mission is to not only provide young adults with leadership opportunities but to improve the quality of life for their community’s special needs children.
Align with organizations doing similar work.
90by30 is proud to partner with agencies, groups, and individuals across all seven regions of Lane County. Find out what other service organizations are doing and look for ways you can support each other’s efforts to help kids.
Become 15th Night Community Responder Volunteers
Community Responders play a central role in providing quick intervention for teenagers who need immediate help. You’ll receive a text message alert from 15th Night Youth Advocates when a student needs immediate help with something specific like shoes, clothes, personal care products, or food. If you can help, you simply reply to the text message. Sign up here.
Learn about 90by30 and its goal to reduce child abuse and neglect in Lane County 90 percent by 2030.
Invite a 90by30 representative to a meeting or gathering in your region – we’d like to tell you more about our efforts and to learn more about yours. Email friends@90by30.com.
Encourage your organization to support 90by30’s work.
Whether your group sells raffle tickets, holds a plant sale, or promotes another fundraiser to support a local cause, 90by30 would be grateful to be the beneficiary of your efforts.
Offer your feedback and suggestions about the K(no)w More campaign and website.
Make sure children and youth are represented in your programs.
Your work not only benefits youth but can involve youth, like the Lions Club’s Lions Quest program, the Rotary Club’s Interact Clubs, or the Kiwanis’ K-Kids, Builders Clubs, and Key Clubs for developing young leaders.
Recognize Child Abuse Prevention Month.
Plant “gardens” of blue pinwheels, the symbols of a safe and carefree childhood, host a presentation by an organization like 90by30, or connect with the Regional Leadership Team in your area to find out how you can get involved in CAPM. Follow 90by30 on Facebook to see all we’re up to each year during the month of April.
Join 5,000 Strong
Your civic group can make a difference by joining 5,000 Strong, a campaign by Friends of 90by30 to raise funds for and awareness of 90by30’s work. Invite a representative from 90by30 to present at a meeting by emailing friends@90by30.com.