What Role Can Neighbors Play?
Connected communities are healthier communities, and you can turn your street, your block, your part of town into a place where children are cared for and parents are supported
Invest a little time now in creating an environment where everyone looks out for each other so that your neighbors will be more likely to come to you when there’s a problem.
Even if you’re not the person emotionally closest to a parent, you’re the nearest helping hand. That makes an offer of assistance more tangible and immediate.
What Can You Do?
Can you name everyone who lives on your street?
Even a simple introduction can make a neighbor feel like they belong.
Get to know the families that live around you.
Meet the kids and talk to the parents so that they know you are there if they ever need help. Social connection and social support are the cornerstones of family well-being and child safety.
Parenting is challenging at times (and sometimes very often) – for all parents.
Acknowledging this and offering support goes a long way. Offer resources, such as Lane Kids and Parenting Now,
Help to reduce silence and isolation.
In Lane County, 47% of survivors of child abuse and neglect said no one helped them at the time they were first being mistreated – 19% said they were rarely helped. Be that person people reach out to for support.
Support local kids sports’ teams.
Most teams don’t get the crowds of a high school football game. Find a game in progress at a neighborhood park, pick a team, and cheer on the players.
Offer to babysit so that parents can enjoy a night off.
Become a 15th Night Community Responder Volunteer
Community Responders play a central role in providing quick intervention for teenagers who need immediate help. You’ll receive a text message alert from 15th Night Youth Advocates when a student needs immediate help with something specific like shoes, clothes, personal care products, or food. If you can help, you simply reply to the text message. Sign up here.
Strengthen our neighborhoods for all people.
CALC works to make our community safe and respectful for all people, and to take a stand against discrimination that negatively impacts families.
Join the 90by30 Regional Leadership Team in your community.
Watch out for each other.
If someone is sick or away for an extended period, take turns dropping off dinner or collecting the mail. If you haven’t seen a neighbor in awhile, stop by their house to make sure everything is okay.
Encourage your local school to adopt Roots of Empathy.
This groundbreaking program teaches first- and second-graders compassion and reduces bullying through interactions with an infant and caregiver.
Show the kids in your neighborhood what it means to be a good neighbor.
Say hello when you see each other outside, and offering to do things like collect a family's mail while they're on vacation.
Learn about how to support a survivor of abuse or neglect.
Find resources at Lane County’s Trauma Healing Project.
“Fill in” for a friend or neighbor when they can’t attend a child’s dance recital or soccer game
It's not being nosy to show concern.
Sometimes the smallest actions - offering to carry groceries inside from the car, offering to mow the lawn when it gets overgrown - are the easiest to do.
If you’re concerned about someone, reach out.
Two useful resources: RAINN and the National Domestic Violence Hotline. Learn how to intervene in a situation where you’re concerned about domestic violence more about here.
Have a regular neighborhood block party or potluck.
Go beyond a one-time meet-and-greet and establish lasting connections. Draft a simple flyer and knock on neighbors’ doors to invite them. If you have not already, introduce yourself and open your home for a gathering in the near future.
Plug in to existing infrastructure
If your city has Neighborhood Association, they can be a great way to get to know your neighbors and tackle issues you’re all facing.
Turn out as a group.
Join your neighbors for the activity night of a local elementary school and meet area families that may not live right next door.
Pass on an invitation to the Welcome Baby Bundle
If you live in South, West, North or East Lane County, 90by30’s Welcome Baby Bundle is available now to anyone expecting a baby. Find out more here.
Join 5,000 Strong
Support prevention efforts by joining 5,000 Strong, a campaign by Friends of 90by30 to raise funds for and awareness of 90by30’s work. One key way to be part of 5,000 Strong is to share your commitment with your neighbors!