What Role Can the Media Play?
You speak to a broad, diverse audience - and you can create a sense of community among all the people you reach.
The prevention of child abuse and neglect of course demands broad community involvement.
You are in a powerful position to foster individual and community-wide action by routinely shining a light on local success.
What Can You Do?
Share individual success stories of community support for families.
Show your audience that people just like them are helping to prevent child abuse and neglect.
Profile Lane County’s longstanding and innovative efforts to support families.
Explore and publicize the work of United Way’s Transformation Initiative, Roots of Empathy, the Welcome Baby Box, Make Parenting a Pleasure, Healthy Families, Preschool Promise, Head Start, Family Resource Centers, Safe Families for Children, Centro Latino Americano, and the Trauma Healing Project.
Report responsibly.
The CDC offers these guidelines on covering child abuse and neglect in the media.
Promote ways people can get involved in the community to prevent child abuse and neglect.
Even a quick on-air mention can give listeners, readers, or viewers an idea of how they can help.
Become a media sponsor in support of events that help keep kids safe, healthy and nurtured.
Donate air time and production for PSAs, or have an on-air personality champion a cause.
Media support of K(no)w More means we can reach more people more quickly with the message that small actions can make a big difference in creating safe, nurturing communities for all kids and parents.
Learn about 90by30. Provide regular updates on this innovative effort in our community.
90by30’s Regional Leadership Teams breaking newsworthy ground with their grassroots prevention efforts in all seven regions of the county.
Do more than just learn - join the 90by30 Regional Leadership Team in your community.
Your unique background and ability to communicate can help our teams spread their message in the community.
Feature efforts that offer members of the general public with practical examples of how to take action.
Anyone can support families, promote community connection, and foster child safety by working with organizations like Catholic Community Services or Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Lane County, or volunteering at a Family Resource Center.