What Role Can Family Members Play?
You're the first ones parents turn to for help, so being a source of non-judgmental assistance will make you kids' and parents' greatest ally.
Listening well is so important. Sometimes, it’s the most important thing we do.
Asking, “how can I help?” and “what do you need?” can go a long way.
What Can You Do?
Parenting is challenging at times (and sometimes very often) – for all parents.
Acknowledging this and offering support goes a long way. Offer resources, such as Lane Kids and Parenting Now.
Help to reduce silence and isolation. Be that person people reach out to for support.
In Lane County, 47% of survivors of child abuse and neglect said no one helped them at the time they were first being mistreated, and 19% said they were rarely helped. Be that person people reach out to for support.
Offer to babysit for relatives so that parents can enjoy a night off.
Get to know the families that live around you.
Meet the kids and talk to the parents so that they know you are there if they ever need help. Social connection and social support are the cornerstones of family well-being and child safety.
“Fill in” for a family member when they can’t attend their child’s recital or soccer game.
Join the 90by30 Regional Leadership Team in your community.
Work to create a safer, more nurturing community for your family and others’.
Be a resource to families.
Learn about local resources so you can be a source of information for families - including members of your own family. Help connect parents with specific needs to the appropriate organization. Offer to contact the group yourself to make reaching out less intimidating. Parenting Now’s resource guide offers a wealth of information on everything from mental health to financial assistance.
Learn how to intervene in a situation where you are concerned about domestic violence.
If you’re concerned about someone, reach out. RAINN is a helpful resource. The National Domestic Violence Hotline also offers advice for friends and family.
Donate items or learn how to get involved with the Welcome Baby Bundle Program in your region.
If you’ve watched family members have kids (or have kids of your own), you know how important the first few months of an infant’s life can be. Connecting parents to resources and supporting them with physical needs is crucial.
Learn about how to support a survivor of abuse, neglect and healing resources.
Find out more at Lane County’s Trauma Healing Project and explore its resource directory.
Encourage your local school to adopt Roots of Empathy.
This groundbreaking program teaches children compassion and reduces bullying through interaction with an infant.
Offer options in times of crisis.
Safe Families for Children provides temporary respite care for children and gives families in crisis a network of support while they get back on their feet.
Join 5,000 Strong
Support prevention efforts by joining 5,000 Strong, a campaign by Friends of 90by30 to raise funds for and awareness of 90by30’s work. One key way to be part of 5,000 Strong is to share your commitment with your friends and family!