What Role Can Businesses Play?
You can support family friendly environments . . . for everyone.
Businesses have a wonderful capacity to give and an amazing network of contacts.
The efforts you put into helping families are amplified when you share the opportunity to contribute with your employees and customers.
What Can You Do?
Promote a culture where it is okay for employees to reach out and ask for help.
Acknowledge that personal difficulties - and parenting difficulties - can often infringe on work life. An employee who’s not performing well or seems withdrawn may have a problem at home - and while you shouldn’t pry, make it make it clear that you’re willing to listen and don’t rush to judgment.
Sponsor an item in the Welcome Baby Bundle.
Make a difference to families in your community by sponsoring one of the items - pacifiers, onesies, diapers, and more - included in 90by30’s gift to all babies born in South, West, and East Lane County.
Check in with mothers and fathers to see how they’re doing.
Find simple ideas like this on CO4Kids.org.
Offer your employees the option to flex their hours to accommodate a child's school schedule.
Know how to respond.
Provide training to employees so that they know how to handle emerging situations with children and families, including tantrums, overwhelmed parents, and potential abduction situations.
Communicate understanding.
A simple smile or gesture recognizes that parenting in public is difficult and, sometimes, "kids will be kids.”
Explore options.
The CDC offers a variety of actions, both large and small, that businesses can take to support families and prevent child abuse.
Sponsor a local sports team or donate art supplies to a preschool.
Lane County businesses can sponsor a Kidsports team for as little as $250.
Use your specialty.
A tech company can help a local nonprofit build a better website, or an advertising firm can create a PSA for Child Abuse Prevention Month.
What you do every day can be helpful to families when given at a discount or for free.
Whether you're a doctor who donates time to a free medical clinic or a sandwich shop that gives its day-old bread to a local food pantry, you can make a difference.
Participate in United Way of Lane County’s Day of Caring.
There are lots of ways to pitch in as a team. Like Symantec, allow your employees to volunteer for a charity or cause on work time.
Share resources with your employees.
LaneKids and Parenting Now both offer parenting information that can be useful to working families.
Offer leave for new parents (and foster and adoptive parents) and help them reintegrate into the workplace when they return.
Be informed.
Prevent Child Abuse America shows why reducing ACES - adverse childhood experiences - is an investment in the future.
Promote workplace safety. Visit Workplaces Respond or Futures Without Violence to learn more.
During Child Abuse Prevention Month, wear blue.
April 1 is the day to wear blue to show your support for ending child abuse and neglect. Snap a photo of your entire office dressed for the occasion, then share it on social media with the hashtag #WearBlueLC to connect with others supporting the cause.
Contribute to concrete support for families.
Offer goods and services through Love for Lane County or hold a donation drive in your office to collect items for a nonprofit like the Relief Nursery or CASA.
Join 5,000 Strong.
Your business can support prevention efforts by joining 5,000 Strong, a campaign by Friends of 90by30 to raise funds for and awareness of 90by30’s work. Part of an organization like the Chamber of Commerce? Invite 90by30 to present at a meeting by emailing friends@90by30.com.